It is one of the most widely known artifacts of ancient Egypt. the Great Sphinx of Giza is called completely out of limestone.
New pics of line with a human Pharaoh head. The Great Sphinx of Giza is a statue in the city of Giza in Cairo, Egypt. The three artifacts I’ve chosen to represent the legacy of ancient Egypt in this blog post are the Great Sphinx of Giza, King Tut’s sarcophagus, and the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is because each of these ideals all have one thing in common they intrigue people about the mysteriousness and fascinating world of ancient Egyptian culture.
These artifacts I imagine ,are the most commonly known by most of the world’s population. When I imagine Egypt or ancient Egyptian artifacts I picture riches, gold, pyramids and of course, the Great Sphinx. What is a legacy? A legacy is anything handed down from the past, with lasting impact.